Update to cadett ELSA R33.0.1.3 from R33.0.1.0 – R33.0.1.2
cadett ELSA R33.0.1.3 as an incremental update from cadett ELSA R33.0.1.0, R33.0.1.1 or R33.0.1.2. If you have a network installation, please run the patch on the server. The clients will be updated automatically from the server. IF YOU HAVE CUSTOMIZATIONS OF ANY KIND IN YOUR INSTALLATION, PLEASE CONTACT CADETT FOR ADVICE BEFORE YOU INSTALL THE […]
cadett ELSA R33.0.1.3 DVD (Complete)
This is a complete installation DVD for cadett ELSA R33.0.1.3. Please note that a compact version that is much quicker to download is also available. cadett ELSA R33.0.1.3 contains a large number of new features and improvements. Please refer to REVHISTGB.TXT for a list of affected functions. The ZIP file should be unpacked in a […]
cadett ELSA R33.0.1.3 DVD (Compact)
This is a compact installation DVD for cadett ELSA R33.0.1.3. To save downloading time AutoCAD service packs and the ALLFILES reference folder have been omitted. cadett ELSA R33.0.1.3 contains a large number of new features and improvements. Please refer to REVHISTGB.TXT for a list of affected functions. The ZIP file should be unpacked in a […]